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Professional Team

JB Flooring started in 1995 as a skilled, third-party installation company for some of the largest flooring dealers in Tennessee.


Since then we've molded our business into mostly distribution - suppyling flooring to builders, contractors and the public at wholesale price.   

Quality Material

We ONLY offer top quality flooring that’s properly manufactured, DIY friendly and easy to install. Poor quality material only delays the installation and can drastically hinder the look of your new floor. Unlike most big box stores who survive on lower quality flooring, peppered with defective material that maximizes their profit margin, we ONLY offer top-quality flooring. 

Creative Approach

We cut out the "middle-man." This is a little different approach from the average distributor. We’ve structured deals with manufacturers and found a way to cut our over-head, allowing us to dodge the more expensive way of supplying flooring and getting it to our customers at the best possible price.

Industry Expertise

As a result of being a “hands on” flooring company for over 25 years, we became experts in our industry. We have the knowledge and in-depth understanding of how floors perform with specific installations.

Why Choose Us?

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Contact Us
Phone: (615) 917-2398

2525 Perimeter Place Dr. Suite 114
Nashville TN 37214
(located in back of building)

We Are A Distributor
Not A Retail Store

Please drive around to the back of
the building to our entrance.

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